Originally Posted by Ted S
Do you have access to Amazon's datafeed program? If so, you'll have to have someone adjust the parser as the structure is different [and more extensive] plus there are particular rules around using images, storing elements, etc. Also given the amount of data you'll really want to move the parser off of the web and into some sort of a shell script if you plan to bring in large numbers of items.
Is the product advertising API the same as Amazons data feed program? I thought there would be an easier way to get a few products (200 and less) from Amazon and put them in xml file.
Could you also help me with this error:
The administrator of this site must disable the vBulletin option "Add Template Name in HTML Comments", a debugging feature, to use this mod. Unless of course they want debugging comments in the reviews.
I'm still a little confused on this...
I thought I had the correct options enabled but obviously I'm missing something here. My thread are showing in the right review forum section but people can't review the items and get the error stated above.
What am I missing here?
UPDATE - FIXED THE ISSUE :-) JUST HAD A BRAIN FART... NOW I'M GETTING This feature is not configured yet. Please check back soon.