just updated my test forum from 4.1.9 to 4.2.0. I had to reinstall the product along with the parent product and all seems to work correctly, but I'm getting a display issue in the profile tab. The first two items on the list are always indented. For example:
the way the profile field items appeared before the update to 4.2.0 was like this:
Item 1
The list
Item 2
its list
Item 3
its list
Item 4
its list
Item 5
its list
Now, I get the following type of display: (I use white periods to make the spaces here for illustration purposes. That space appears blank on the tab in the profile. I just couldn't figure out how to get spaces here when typing this message)
.......Item 1
.......The list
..............Item 2
..............its list
Item 3
its list
Item 4
its list
Item 5
its list
Any idea how to fix this display? I have reinstalled the edits and both products. I've even tested moving the fields in the admincp and no matter what the arrangement, the first one is indented and the second one is indented that much more. The remaining fields all appear normal.
Thanks for your help.