Originally Posted by doubleclick
wow! that is hidden!
Do you know if they have any plans to unhide this. or if a mod is in the works? I really like the way the method I showed you, that lets you choose your opponent from the droptdown. The only improvement I'd make to their presentation would be to have the challenge in the V3ARCADE_PLAY template, right below the plugin you made to "Add to Favorites". I think that would be the most likely spot for user activity. What do you think?
Originally Posted by doubleclick
Well, I finally figured out how to move the challenge option out of the basement and somewhere easier to find. Not a rocket science solution, but here it is:
I pasted this into the postbit template:
<b><a href="arcade.php?do=newchallenge&userid={vb:raw post.userid}">Invite {vb:raw post.username} to play a game!</a></b>
Still hope sombody will make the link beside each game, so when a user is playing it, he/she has the option to select a user to challenge like I mentioned above. But making something that fancy is way beyond my abilities.
I believe the challenge link appears in more places in the vB3 version of the arcade but I think it was just a link in the postbit dropdown menu (similar to what you have posted above) and not within the actual game itself.
Do you know what version of IPB arcade and what version of IPB this was running on so I can take a look, it might give me some ideas.