I hooked a function at global_bootstrap_complete to register an unknown user before login process is called (my intention look here
For the registering process I'm using the user data manager as well as the function verify_username($username). But this method will fail cause of a missing 'charset' style variable.
To determine the username length the function vbstrlen is called which in turn calls mb_strlen($username, $encoding);
Because of missing the missing charset string in $vbulletin->stylevars['charset'] it will fail by throwing an exception 'Unknown encoding'.
PHP Code:
// function.php->vbstrlen()
if (function_exists('mb_strlen') AND $length = @mb_strlen($string, vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset')))
return $length;
return strlen($string);
So, at which point the stylevars will be set or how can I manually set a charset?
Currently I came with a quick and dirty solution by setting charset manually
PHP Code:
vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('charset', 'utf-8');'
But I couldn't find the location in the code where the stylevars are set/determined.
Maybe there is a more suitable approach.