Hey James,
Originally posted by jamesdasher
Why should I use your hack instead of doing something like the following:Why is your hack any better then doing it as above?
* Your sample templates lack the ability to be administered inside vb cp.
* Your sample lacks the ability to have "conditionals", that is simple "if" clauses you can set in your templates without PHP knowledge.
* Your sample lacks the feature to do SQL queries in your db and create automatic tables in HTML, without PHP and even SQL knowledge.
* Your sample requires PHP coding for every template you need to design, especially if you need to ban the template to your users user1 and user2 only or you need to put a hidden text which will be shown to certain users.
What my hack does can be done by coding individiual PHP pages. This hack is no miracle and I didnt say that you cant have the same effects/pages by programming your own PHP scripts. Please read my answer to TWTCommish: This hack gives you to ground to create MANY dynamic pages easily without arduous job of coding, besides you can even have dynamic pages/queries even if you dont know PHP or SQL.
I created this hack for my own site. I could have the same dynamic pages by programming individual PHP scripts but I found it more easy to have a "system" that gives you the ground to easily control these pages without coding them individually. I added "WebQuery" feature to have db Query results easily. Even a guy with 0 knowledge of PHP and SQL can have dynamic pages with this hack by just inserting other's WebQuery's from vb cp.
If you are a PHP/HTML/SQL Wiz and commit time to code your own scripts, then you need neither my hack, nor ANY hacks in this site. You dont even need this site itself! You can create ALL the hacks in this site, by coding your own scripts or hacks. You can ask all hack writers: "I can do this by this PHP code too and why is yours better than mine?" and well, of course you can, you are also a programmer and as you may very well know, same effects can be achieved by different programs.

So your question is unanswered, not only for my hack, but all these hacks in this site.