Originally Posted by vivapotenza
Hi fellas, quick question:
I've installed this, and all is work:ng ok, but since I installed this mod, the line Down the left under user name and avatar which says "xx blog entries" is partly on the same line as "thanked xx times in xx posts". Is there anyway to move this down so the blog entry line moves down so its all under the thanks line? I can provide a screenshot for more clarity if my description is not clear enough.
Hippy, thanks for the quick reponse, ive had a look in postbit and postbit legacy and cant see anything glaringly obvious. this is what I am referring to:
you can see the blog link is on the wrong line and should really be on the next line down?
Also, as a seperate issue, does anyone know of a fix for how to get the thanks working in the default mobile style? as the thanks button does not show on mine as of yet, but it would be nice to be able to add this feature for mobile browsing also if possible.
thanks in advance