Originally Posted by Hostboard
I am getting a TMS error:
There are 1 Template-Modifications that were not designed for the currently installed vBulletin version. To make sure that vBulletin and your installed Products are working correctly, you must check and maybe modify those Template-Modifications.
It is stemming from editor_smiliebox
Originally Posted by cellarius
Regarding the TMS error: That may be because I may still be using an older version of TMS on my dev board. You should be able to ignore that.
I actually took some time to look at this and it seems it is the text within the template editor_smiliebox that your searching for is incorrect.
The search for text should be:
<vb:if condition="$show['moresmilieslink']">
<div class="moresmilies">[<a href="javascript://" onclick="vB_Editor['{vb:raw editorid}'].open_smilie_window(); return false" title="{vb:rawphrase showing_x_smilies_of_y_total, {vb:raw vboptions.smtotal}, {vb:raw totalsmilies}}">{vb:rawphrase more}</a>]</div>
Once I corrected this, the text in the simile box appeared and is working as it was designed.