Originally Posted by djrichards
Hardly what I would call a resolution. I see that VBulletin still has a lot to learn about customer support and product design/revision.
They could save themselves a LOT of grief and time in responding to customers with this problem if they simply changed the Nav Manager default values to include the "/forum/" path in front of each PHP file name.
Not only would it reduce requests for support, it would also provide a clear example that would help users easily figure it out for themselves. Not everyone who uses this COMMERCIAL product is a PHP coder or works all day at a Linux command line for a living.
I really don't understand companies who seem to have the Incredible Hulk's "Puny humans!" attitude toward those who provide their livelihood. Obtuse responses to support/enhancement requests are not only unhelpful, they run completely counter to a company's goals.
You should drop off the attitude pal and be a little more appreciative of those that are trying to help you.
Sorry to say this but you come off as arrogant and rude and with this attitude you will not find many people that will be willing to help you out.