After upgrading to 4.2 my forum didn't load v3arcade.
Your above directions worked for me
however I had some problems.
For example you said -
Title: Tournaments Awaiting Players
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewwaiting
Title: Active Tournaments
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewactive
Title: Finished Tournaments
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewfinished
Title: Start A Tournament
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=newtourmnt
I did everything 100% but nothing worked, just 404errors.
I then removed all the //// signs and it worked fine, and everything loaded up.
I know you understand the slash sign, but for some people it confuses us.
So the above example should have been -
Title: Tournaments Awaiting Players
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewwaiting
Title: Active Tournaments
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewactive
Title: Finished Tournaments
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewfinished
Title: Start A Tournament
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=newtourmnt
Note for all noobies, don't paste in the slash sign = remove all of these /
Thanks for this plugin again, it really is fantastic and my users genuinely love it, and have mentioned many many times how much fun they get from it