Originally Posted by barcena
Hi, any way to disable the PM notifications?
I would like the unlike's (specifically) to be anonymous to avoid conflicts between members.
There are no PM notifications
If you want to disable the forum notifications, you can disable the notifications_list and member_build_blocks_start (or whatever) plugins, that will stop the profile block as well as the notifs from appearing
Originally Posted by barcena
I also have a doubt regarding the Editing buttons. Want to be able to allow the "vote" only to Members and Admin. What should I click and what shouldn't I?
Sorry, I don't get what you mean.
If you want only Members and Admins to be able to click a button, then only tick the "Can Click" checkmark for those usergroups
Originally Posted by palalu
Feature List: Lite
Require a Button CLick: Allows you to hide the content of a post, or hie an attachment, until the person clicks a button on the post.
How to hide content? and thank it to display the content.. thx 
Use the Go Advanced editor
Once you tick the box there, it'll hide the whole contents of the post.
The Pro version supports [HIDE] tags