Originally Posted by Merenguista
1- I want add a new Tab, what shoup i put in Tab Script(s) ?
The name of the php script that makes the tab the active tab. The script must supply it's name with this code...
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'thenameofthescript');
Originally Posted by Merenguista
2- I want add a menu and link only for Users Awaiting Moderation, what shoud i put in Show Permission Name ?
I don't think there's a standard $show variable for that usergroup so you would need to create a custom one in a plugin. Call it something like... uamod ...and put that in the Show Permission Name. The create a plugin with this code...
$show['uamod'] = true;
That code can be used in either the 'parse_templates' or the 'process_templates_complete' hook.