I was using the Navbar Tabs Manager prior to v4.2.0 being released, so I understand all about the script names, etc.
I've removed that product so I can use the native Navigation Manager built into v4.2.0 but the problem I am having is that I cannot add all the script names needed for each tab because their is a limit of 30 characters on this field.
Is there a way to overcome this limitation?
For example, my Forum navtab lists the following tab scripts - index.online.private.search
This means that when viewing who's online, private messaging, viewing new posts, etc that the Forum tab stays highlighted and the links underneath remain visible. But when reading a thread (showthread) or viewing the forums (forumdisplay) the tab is no longer highlighted and therefore no link options remain making navigation less friendly.
I'd just like to make the tab scripts line read - index.online.private.search.showthread.forumdispla y - but I can't because for some reason this field was limited to 30 characters?