Moving directory
so before i buy i want to make sure that i know everything involved with the below info.
right now the site i do web and graphic work on uses wordpress. as you all know that script is cpu intensive even before adding a lot of plugins (like we have).
what i would like to do is install vb to a directory like /public_html/vbulletin-folder
once everything is setup and looks great move the wordpress to something like /public_html/wordpress (just so if anything goes wrong i can move it all back)
if that part is done, can i simply move all of the files and folders from /public_html/vbulletin-folder to /public_html or would i need to edit code anywhere?
i just about have the people that own the site talked into buying the full blown vbulletin with the cms/blogs/mobile.
also know that this could have been posted on the .com site but figured if things need modded you grand masters of coding would be a better option to ask.