Originally Posted by Jonm
I keep getting this error message when trying to add a photo?
anyone any ideas?
The error you are getting means that php doesn't have the permissions to move the file from the tmp folder to the users image directory. When a user uploads a picture it will try to create the subfolders if the user hasn't uploaded one before and move the image to it. What permissions are set on the images/garage/attach folder?
Originally Posted by gpinjason
Navigation Tab is gone with 4.2.0.. any fix for this yet?
First you have to disable to old navigation
ACP->Plugins & Products->Plugin Manager
Garage Menu Button and uncheck the box then Save
Now to create the new one
ACP->Plugins & Products->Add New Plugin
Product: VP Pro Garage
Hook Location: navigation_tab_complete
Title: Garage Menu Button 4.2
Execution Order: 5
Plugin PHP Code: Copy and paste the contents of the attached text file into that box.
Plugin is Active: Yes
That should give you the navigation back. Let me know if you have any problems.
Or you could create them manually