Any suggestions on jazzing up
http://travelcommentary.com a bit?
I don't mind the layout as it is, but think that I need something a little more "attractive".
For some reason I get a ton of guests, but not many people that register, and I'm not really sure why.
Then, about 1/2 the people who do register NEVER POST!!! What is up with that?
Anyway, I'm beginning to think that most of the people who travel must be old folks who just don't get how a bulletin board operates.
I've tried to explain it in simple language, but I must not be getting my point across.
Also, any suggestions on site marketing? I held off on doing this until I had most of the forums created, but now am looking to attract more visitors.
Maybe I need to get c-prompt to design a really nice layout for me? Heh!