Hi all,
After an upgrade to 4.2.0 I've now got this message when trying to install plugins:
A conflict was detected in the bitfields. You cannot continue with the installation of this product until this has been fixed. The conflicts found were:
Bitfield Collision: canwrtmembers = canpostvbookieevent
A quick look through /includes/xml/bitfield_vbulletin.xml shows:
<bitfield name="canwrtmembers" group="forum_viewing_permissions" phrase="can_wrt_members" install="5,6,7">67108864</bitfield
And in /includes/bitfield_bookiehack.xml:
<bitfield name="canpostvbookieevent" group="vbookie_permissions" phrase="can_post_vbookieevents" install="2,5,6,7">67108864</bitfield>
So direct conflict with a core vb permissions bitfield in the new version by the look of it.
Have had to disable my vBookie for now to get vbseo running again, so any advice greatly appreciated.