Originally Posted by Boofo
You need to add this at the very top:
And try the navigation_tab_complete hook instead.
Thank you for your help,
But this doesn't work better : I added the global show and change template hook, but nothing happen. I use VBOptimise(?), but i flushed the cache, cleared system cache etc... Nothing works like that
Anyway, i'm just trying to add this to start, and it doesn't work :
PHP Code:
global $show;
if ($show['member'] == TRUE)
$lien_messujets = array(
'name' => 'rescue_messujets',
'navtype' => 'link',
'url' => '{options.toppath}search.php?do=finduser&userid='.$userid.'&starteronly=1&contenttype=vBForum_Thread',
'active' => 1,
'productid' => 'rescue',
'text' => 'Mes sujets',
$result['vbtab_forum']['links']['vbmenu_qlinks']['links']['rescue_messujets'] = $lien_messujets;