Originally posted by c-pr0mpt
Thanks for the idea xiphoid, but for me I use the normal stuff at the bottom in my footer. Privacy, copyright, etc. And in each one I have a small navigation back. =)
Glad everyone likes it so far!
Sure, but maybe there are others who like to put it all in 1 file, and just add a template where needed.
I also use the different options in the bottom menu..
< contact | statements | chat | url >
You ofcourse, can expand this to whatever one would please, just make sure to &action=<whatever> in the a href link.
< contact | privacy statement | mission statement | sponsors | etc >
Where it all can be managed from 1 file, instead of having to make several files with several templates.
Every template holds their own navigation back in the top, just like anything else on a forum, so you can even use $nav bits. and just add your own page to the end of that.
More dynamic, less file, and expandable, by just adding another if statement + template.