You could write two additional plugins (give each a unique plugin name) using the code with only a slight modification.
Plugin to deny registration if email address contains any colons preceding the @
$this->validfields['email'][VF_CODE] = '
$max_colons = 0;
if ($retval = $dm->verify_useremail($data))
$parts = explode("@", $data);
if (is_array($parts) && substr_count($parts[0], ":") > $max_colons)
$retval = false;
return $retval;
Plugin to deny registration if email address contains any semicolons preceding the @
$this->validfields['email'][VF_CODE] = '
$max_semicolons = 0;
if ($retval = $dm->verify_useremail($data))
$parts = explode("@", $data);
if (is_array($parts) && substr_count($parts[0], ";") > $max_semicolons)
$retval = false;
return $retval;
I'm sure that these could be incorporated into the original plugin, but I'm not a coder, so maybe kh99 can suggest how to do that.