Originally Posted by chrisngrod
I'm going to mark this as installed. I am pretty sure I used your post to help me configure my pages.
I really hate the sites where it looks like they had some postbot insert the ads btw.
This is the code I inserted in my forum just in case people want to do something similar.
So after the first post it gives guests and registered members 3 ads. Two adsense and one eBay.
For supporting members, it gives them two adsense by default. If they go into their profile and turn off the in post ads (field13), it will remove them.
By turning ads back on for my supporting members be default, I have received no complaints, yet have increased my ad revenue.
Yes I used depreciated <center> tags. One day when I'm not lazy or this becomes a real issue, I'll put it all in a div.
I tried to add this before the last line in postbit, and nothing shows at all.
What am I doing wrong?