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Old 05-26-2012, 07:25 PM
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Gemma Gemma is offline
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Until an update is released for 4.2 you can follow these steps to set up the arcade navigation system. Shouldn't take any more than a few minutes to do.

1. Disable the plugin - Arcade Navbar Link
2. In the new Navigation Manager, create an Arcade Tab

Active: Yes
Product: v3 Arcade
Title: Arcade
Target URL: arcade.php
Tab Script(s): arcade

3. Now we will create an Arcade Games Link

Active: Yes
Product: v3 Arcade
Title: Arcade Games
Target URL: arcade.php
Parent: Arcade

4. Next, we want to create a View Leaderboard link

Active: Yes
Product: v3 Arcade
Title: View Leaderboard
Target URL: arcade.php?do=leaderboard
Parent: Arcade

5. Now, we need to create a Tournaments dropdown menu. In the Navigation Manager go back to the Arcade Tab we created in step 2 and from the dropdown box choose Add Menu

Product: v3 Arcade
Active: Yes
Title: Tournaments
Parent: Arcade

6. Now we can populate the dropdown menu, first up is Your Tournaments. In the Navigation Manager you should now see a record for Tournaments (Menu); select Add Link

Product: v3 Arcade
Active: Yes
Title: Your Tournaments
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewyour
Parent: Tournaments

You now want to create the rest of the tournament links following the same steps but replacing the Title and Target URL as follows -

Title: Tournaments Awaiting Players
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewwaiting

Title: Active Tournaments
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewactive

Title: Finished Tournaments
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewfinished

Title: Start A Tournament
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=newtourmnt

7. Now, one final link to create for Edit Your Settings, in the Arcade (Tab) record select Add Link

Active: Yes
Product: v3 Arcade
Title: Edit Your Arcade Settings
Target URL: profile.php?do=editarcade
Parent: Arcade
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3 благодарности(ей) от:
etca, Hippy, Kirkus
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