Originally Posted by Americanbang
This mod has been very helpful for my forum since I've launched my site.
Stats So Far
5162 Spammers Denied Registration
224 Spammy Posts Automatically Moderated
However, lately I've been getting lots of spam bots signing up and getting by the mod and posting blog posts on my board.
What can I do to combat this? Have these bots found a way past the mod? Any plans to update the mod?
It has been mentioned several times in this thread, however, there are a lot of pages to read so I'll go ahead and say it again. vB has usergroup permissions. If you are using S-O-M and have created a new members group for moderation, then just change the permissions for blogs. Only allow registered members to post blogs. Don't give permission to newly registered members, make them go through the auto moderation before they can post on a blog. Also remove the ability for them to post links, and pics, signatures, etc. You get the idea! Just use forum permissions for these settings. For the most part this mod will probably never be updated, but with a few of the tweaks that we have posted, there is really no need for it!