Allowing cookie choice
Hi all, a new law has just come to pass in the UK which means you must tell the user of your site that you use cookies and what is stored with the cookies, you must also give them the choice NOT to have cookies stored and explain to them what happens if they decline.
With the above in mind i have tried many things to detect if the user has cookies enabled and then show a message box with a "Yes or No" button, choosing "No" (not wanting cookies stored) should redirect them to either another webpage like google or a custom page yet again informing them that they declined to use cookies and therefore cannot use your site (i say this because i tried setting my IE privacy to maximum (not accept cookies) and couldn't view my site)
Checking if cookies are enabled means having to redirect them after they visit your site to another page so you can check if isset($Cookies but thats not ideal, so i guess all guests should get the pop up regardless of cookies set or not and asked the question and all members should be forced to select the "Yes" option in a custom profile field ($field25 in my case) if they choose "No" they are logged out, when logging ion again if "Yes" isn't set they should be redirected to their usercp>edit options or maybe a box with two selections "Yes or No" and the answer is stored in the database.
I'd appreciate all the help i can get creating the above.