Is there any way to allow for exceptions when advanced registration is set to 'on'? Ie - at present when it is set to 'only those invited' it locks out ALL registration except via this mod: meaning only one invitation can be sent to any given email, and that this email must be used during registration.
This makes it impossible to give access to anyone except via email - making any kind of 'backstage pass' impossible.
I would like to be able to use vB's standard Q&A human verification option as a kind of backdoor. (at present if I set the Q&A to 'on', it means those using your mod also have to also know that answer..etc. I would like both to work independently of each other)
All I want is a backdoor. So instead of VSa or vB, changed to VSa and vB..
In my head it seems like this might be a tiny code change. Perhaps even than simple.
Might this be possible?
I would happily pay to have that change coded up..
If not - thanks anyway! Love your work.