Any luck, Hippy?
Even I am getting this "Sorry! You have exceeded your daily allowed download amount" message now. :_|
Recently upgraded to 4.1.2 PL 1.
In order to temporary sort out the "Your downloding too fast" I had to set the downloads to "0". Is there a cure for this please?
Hippy, if you need access to have a look yourself, PM me.
Originally Posted by Welshy2008
I would appreciate some help on the following issue that I have with DownloadsII please...
I have searched this thread and the net and can't find a solution to it:
My members are reporting an error with Downloads II. They have reported gettingthe following error message:
Slow Down! You are trying to download files too quickly. You must wait 60 seconds before you may download another file.
I don't know why it is saying this as I have the wait time set to 20 seconds.
I have checked all my settings in AdminCP and they are correct - IE: -1, -1, -1 and Strict set to "No".
Your help in this would be appreciated.
Also, I don't see this message as Admin as I have no time on the downloads (set to 0).
When I set the members' usergroup (temporary) to 0 too, there were naturally no issues with the dowload times.
Is there a 60 second thing coded into one of DownloadII files somewhere that is causing this issue?
Many thanks,
Originally Posted by Hippy
group permissions.. try setting it to 20 or 10
Download DELAY: This is the minimum time in seconds that the user must wait between file downloads. Set this to 0 for there to be NO limit. If you set this number too low, your site could be open to a denial-of-service (DoS) attack! If the user is in multiple groups, the HIGHEST value will be the delay setting.
Originally Posted by Hippy
I'll try and figure it out for you .. might be a global over riding it