Originally Posted by Dave234
Or I could just copy and paste the old code into a notepad, then if it gets messed up I can replace the new code with the old (copied) code, right?
Sure, of course you can do that. The only thing is if you had a busy site, your members might see some strange things happening while you experiment.
How can I create a new bbcode and put the html as the replacement?
Find "Custom BB Codes" on the left in the adminCP, click on "Add New BB Code" and go from there. The code would go in the replacement text box, and the rest you can probably figure out (you can use the help by clicking on the ? icons). The only thing I'd mention is that you'd want to set "Remove Tag if Empty" to No. You can leave the other radio buttons set at the default.
So maybe you put pollstar as your tag name, then in the post you'd just put [pollstar][/pollstar] (you can also use that as the "example" when you're creating the bbcode). It's a bit of a hack because anyone will be able to use that in a post and insert a search box, but it's otherwise harmless.