Hi kh99,
Thanks for the replay.
As I said, the letters are displayed properly,
but still there is the SQL Query problem in,
more specific in line 350 which looks for the letter wrongly
I have echoed what it gets for one of the letters
PHP Code:
1=1 AND username LIKE("�%")
the condition code is
PHP Code:
if ($ltr != '')
if ($ltr == '#')
$condition .= " AND username NOT REGEXP(\"^[a-zA-Z]\")";
$ltr = chr(intval(ord($ltr)));
//echo $ltr ."<BR/>";
echo $condition .= " AND username LIKE(\"" . $db->escape_string_like($ltr) . "%\")";
and the letter comes for the url address in line 103
PHP Code:
$ltr = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'ltr', TYPE_NOHTML);
and of course as a result of that no results are returned..