Originally Posted by nhawk
A mod uses a portion of the information entered by the user for the navbar link, say the 'title' portion of the user entry. In order to create the navbar link in the community menu, that 'title' must be also be saved in the phrase table of vB.
Can you give a concreate example of an Add-on so it is easier to understand what exactly you are talking abount?
As far as I understand you intentions by now is that the Add-on allows the administrator to set the title for a link in the Community Menu on the Forum tab?
This can easily be achived by just using the Navigation Manager to rename the link.
And then the additional navbar link must be created in the navigation table.
If it is a "static" link - yes, it should be added to the navigation table upon Add-on installation.
(Which will happen automatically if you have already added that link on your developement system, assigned in to the Add-on and exported the XML).
Along with that a $show variable must be created in a plugin if the member has permission to view that link.
Now because different 'titles' can have different permissions, there has to be a different $show for each menu item.
Yes, you have to check the permissions and set a flag wether to show the link or not.
But again this is not different from how it worked in vB 4.1
That seems like a lot to go through for something that use to take a one line piece of code to throw the menu selection in the community menu in earlier versions.
Not really, in fact it does require less work in my mind:
In vB 4.1 you had to
- Add a template for the link
- Add the phrase for the link
- Create a setting to let the user select where the link should appear (eg. template hook)
- Write code to check the setting, the user permissions and to render the template for the selected template hook
... and still the administrator might have wanted to have the link appear on a completely different location
In vB 4.2
- Add the link in Navigation Manager
- Write a Plug-in to check permissions and set the $show-Flag