Having just recently moved my site back to vbulletin I gotta say Im quite impressed with the speed and stability of it to be honest. Especially in comparison to how it was when I left as version 4 was released.
xenforo is great, but not enough there. And on top of that the company itself has made me feel uncomfortable about staying on their software, which is a great shame.
There are still a few rough edges on VB4. Things not quite in the right places for my liking, CMS still not quite there. However it is clearly moving forward as apposed to standing still which is what I once saw it as doing. CMS Im sure will come with time, and the other areas are nothing a few tweaks here and there from yourself cannot sort with either modifications or manual playing around on the skins.
I actually got my forum back here the long way by converting to IPB and then over to VB from there. Was gutted when I saw the converter the other day LOL