Originally Posted by Andreas
*jaw drops*
Thank you so much!! Now I don't have to start that new forum from scratch. I was not looking forward to that at all.
I am seeing that it just now released yesterday. This is almost supernatural timing.
--------------- Added [DATE]1337421055[/DATE] at [TIME]1337421055[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by ragtek
good luck!:P
And yeea, TMS is a must have
The cache rebuild is a big problem, but it was IMO your fault:P
You shouldn't install/deinstall styles & plugins daily:P
That's why you should have at least 1 test board to test them and then after testing make a list of all the add-ons / styles you want to install, make a announcement that you'll close the forum for some maintenance work at midnight(or whenever your site have not many online users and you have time..)
Yeah it's definitely my fault. I can accept responsibility for that but hey I was a noob still am sorta a noob. I didn't know wtf CSS, HTML and PHP was two years ago.
I used to work constantly on my live vB4 forum always creating styles. I could do this stuff because whenever you create a style in vB4 you can don't have to worry about the site blanking out. So it became like a habit. That's why I was never interested installing a local installation because anytime I wanted to experiment, I could play around in a style that member's couldn't access.
I have installed local installations though because my members got so upset that I had no choice. Since then I've learned server stuff I never knew about and my limited technical knowledge has increased. That's how I was able to release those styles on vB.org cause I was playing around with a local installation.
I thought there was a TMS type system for vBulletin? I read about that somewhere before. I'll investigate later and let you know. I think it's German.