with boofo's quote post in pm version (The original one)
if you add
global $vfc_hide;
if ($vbulletin->options[hide_hack_sett_main]) {
$params = array('message' => $pagetext, 'forumid' => $foruminfo['forumid'], 'threadid' => $posttext[threadid], 'postid' => $postinfo[postid], 'userid' => $postinfo[userid]);
$pagetext = $vfc_hide->fetch_msg_to_hide($params);
// Limit the quoted post text to something sane
if ($vbulletin->options['boofo_qpm_max_text'])
if seems to work..
the post quoted to pm with the hide tag in it views like so as long as your not a member that thanked to the post and pmes it

in the event the person / member that "post thank" to the post, then he /she sent it to a member that has not thanked they will be able to read the content in the pm..