Originally Posted by Hippy
Quote pm is an other mod. not part of this One.. o did the pm test. To see if i got that error. Its s test sites so I logged in as a user and used the quote post in pm to a user that did not thank or post to a test thread and the pm was readable but since I used this to send the pm. It had the hide code in it and was readable by the user
To make it work with quote PM MOD, you will need to do edit one plugin of quote PM
Plugin Name: Quote Post in PM (2)
PHP Code:
if ($vbulletin->options['qpipm_trim_text']){$pagetext = vbchop($pagetext, $vbulletin->options['qpipm_trim_text']);}
Add Above:
PHP Code:
global $vfc_hide;
if ($vbulletin->options[hide_hack_sett_main]) {
$params = array('message' => $pagetext, 'forumid' => $foruminfo['forumid'], 'threadid' => $posttext[threadid], 'postid' => $postinfo[postid], 'userid' => $postinfo[userid]);
$pagetext = $vfc_hide->fetch_msg_to_hide($params);