Adding Amazon Tab
I would like to add a couple Amazon Store tabs, for example one for books, and the other for DVD's and another for CD's.
I would like to be able to make each tab "my own", so to speak, so that it doesn't look like a standard Amazon ad. Like I would make the picture bigger and look cooler, etc. I also want to have a comment section for each item being sold on the website, to kind of make the content my own.
And I would like to say a little something about a lot of the items I would be hawking for Amazon.
The forum at the Amazon Affiliates website is no help whatsoever. I tell them I'm using vBulletin and they have no idea what I'm talking about. Strange since vBulletin is very widely known.
Can someone here on this fine vBulletin forum help me? It would mean a lot.