Why I like Discuss!! so very much: One of the biggest problems of any online forum is the chit-chat that goes on back-and-forth in a threaded message, and even in a blog post to a lesser degree. For example, this thread I am responding to was hijacked with a bunch of off-topic conversation that had to be moderated with many posts deleted! However, with the "Answers" concept, all of that goes away and only the most relevant answers to a question are shown at the top. I'm not saying that we don't need both, but for a good Q&A software package, it's just brilliant!
My Initial Observations / Questions / Suggestions
I have installed this at
www.couponforum.org and I like it. I tried to customize it for this community and I think it's going to work pretty well. My thoughts are all mixed together. I actually did read almost all of the pages in this thread (a first for me!) so please pardon me if I touch on something that has been dealt with.
- Any ability to change navbar "Questions" to something else?
- I'd like to require user to choose a category when posting a new question.
- I'd like to be able to edit any question or answer. Permission based for Admin, Moderators and Original Posters.
- I'd like to see enhancements to the way [Resolved] items appear on the landing page, maybe keep them alive longer so they don't drop off the page.
- SEO request - Change the tags for Title and Meta Descriptions tag for each page. Also turn the Question into a H1 tag instead of basic text.
- Not sure how the [Best Answer] concept works, but I'd like every member (by permission level) be able to vote and have the system calculate the most popular answer.
- Allow question "Status" to be edited with admin-defined categories instead of just stock "Resolved" and "Open", plus change [Winner Answer] to something else.
- I know this is a big design change, but I'd rather see the About Author information in the upper-left of the question, just helps draw attention to it.
- I just installed today and all of the Facebook buttons (for all questions) show 2 Likes [(F) Likes] [2] [O Send], so it must be pulling the likes from a different source that the unique question that is asked.
- Apostrophe Bug (?) - When I ask a question with an apostrophe, it adds a slash in front. "What's the best way ..." shows up as "What\'s the best way ..."
- I can't figure out where I can add in the "Place your rules here ..." text in the Terms of Use box.
- All three of the icons for Category / Title / Keyword are broken. They are trying to pull "/discuss/images/info.png" and that image does not exist for me.
That's it for now. I'm not trying to dump on you with a bunch of stuff, I'm just very excited to see this unique, flexible and powerful add-on to vBulletin. Thanks again.