please help!
the first few seconds after installing everything worked fine with that hack, but round about a minute after installing it all users became this error:
Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO session (sessionhash,userid,host,useragent,lastactivity,lo cation) VALUES ('84359734a0c822c487019565d2c15f','1','80.133.*.*' ,'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;','1016380059','/board/index.php?s=')
mysql error: Duplicate entry '84359734a0c822c487019565d2c15f' for key 1
mysql error number: 1062
the error showed up in den "admin" too, when I want to shut off the board...
...what could it be?
bevor this error the microstats where correctly displayed in my footer...
any suggestions?