Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS
After 2 years still I haven't completed $75
Proper but medium in features release? 2-3 days max
Years to days seems like simple math to me. If you only have twenty member purchase it for $30...that is $600, sure that may only be 5 cents an hour

, but those 20 members could snow ball into 200-300 then thing start looking good. Keep product updated and start adding more features then step price somewhere between $30-$200.
How many product have others purchase because of a great implantation someone is using on their own site.
Two things that bother me for add-ons.
1. Free add-ons that seem to always just fall off map with no more support. (expected for free)
2. Paid add-ons that seem to have had heyday period in 2009 and now nothing.
Scariest thing for me is implementing an add-on that admin,mods and members love but just falls off map. (probably why lot of large sites still using 3.8)
Either way support or at least the illusion of support and interest is what keeps a product viable.
Take vBulletin as an example,sure it seems like I'm constantly doing an upgrade but VB does a great job with announcements and what is on the horizon.
ChrisTERiS I have been to your site several times and have a tough time navigating site to find products...for a vB coder my perception is your vB site would be setup properly. I know it's hard to be a one man show and try to make products and keep site up to date but unforgivably enthusiasm and professional projection is also required to grow a great product. We all need a little dose of excitement every so often.
Even with just few members posting in this thread I bet it has a ton of silent members waiting to pounce on something.
Sorry for mess of rambling but trying to watch Formula 1 qualifying also.