Because my site is still in the development phase I decided to give this addon one last try.
After restoring both the forum directories and the database, I reinstalled this addon for the 4th time. This time it finally worked. I can now see the chat box on the forum and CMS pages.
While it may have been something I missed during the first three attempts that caused the install errors I am still very concerned that an error during the install process can leave you completely locked out of the admincp. (see posts from other admins) This is a very serious flaw that could have resulted in lost posts and user data if my site was already online.
Another concern is that the addon did not come with detailed instructions for any type of back out and recovery plan should issues like a lockout occur. The only warning included was to back up the database.
For all you site admins that are considering this addon I would strongly suggest doing a complete backup of your entire forum site like I did just prior to installation. Also, allow for plenty of down time should you need to restore your forum site.
I will mark this as installed because it now seems to be working and will provide an update after a trial period.