with respect the product 'as-is', is a mess for vb4 users.
if the fixes were in a doc that was easy to follow and not contradicted every other post then that would be fair rnough - but they are not and they are all over the place. several versions of several files to download and several maybe and ifs on php and template edits.
this isnt vb2 this is vb4 - this mod belongs in the graveyard along with all the other outdated unsupported products.
it used to be awesome but now its simply garbage for the average user.
and before anyone gets on their soap box about how this is free etc etc - that's all very well and good, and you are entitled to an opinion - and so i'm entitled to mine by saying that as it stands its junk for vb4.
uninstalled until it gets fixed CORRECTLY.
note to hippy: I appreciate your efforts but if you are going to be telling people to follow your fixes - at least have the fixes laid out in a legible fashion with date amendments or at least upload a complete pack for gods sake - stop all the faffing around. do it right or dont do it at all.