Originally Posted by nhawk
Well, the ones I user are the ones shown on most Microsoft packaging.
Yeah, but still, it would be like using a win2k icon for winxp if you know what I mean.
Originally Posted by nhawk
And if you didn't know it the Server 2008 version numbers are the same for Windows 7 and Vista.
Windows7/Server 2008 = 6.1
Vista/Server 2008 = 6.0
And the newest is Windows 8 = 6.2
Yes, but most forum posters don't actually use Windows Server 2008 R2 so it's kind of redundant to even have that as the alt text.
Originally Posted by nhawk
I have no intention of using my time to decode someone else add-on. If you want to change it you are on your own.
I can understand that. Looks like I'll be playing around with your plugin then
Also, you lack iOS icons and so on. I've currently done a good job with updating Fighter's plugin, but it's for vB3.8 only so I'm not sure if it's worth working any more on it.