Originally Posted by MS-RenatoO
Hey bananalive, you can help with installation?
Have you had a look at the readme?
## Installation/ Upgrade ##
1) upload (Allow Overwrite "YES" for overwrite)
ajax_competitions.php -> \
competitions.php -> \
ladders.php -> \
teams.php -> \
tll_credits.php -> \
tll_paypal_ipn.php -> \
tll_tickets.php -> \
tournaments.php -> \
barousel_demos.css -> \clientscript\
javascript_competitions.js -> \clientscript\
javascript_tll_brackets.js -> \clientscript\
jquery.barousel.min.js -> \clientscript\
functions_tal.php -> \includes\
functions_tll_brackets.php -> \includes\
functions_tll_premium.php -> \includes\
bitfield_tournament2008.xml -> \includes\xml\
cpnav_tournament.xml -> \includes\xml\
hooks_tournament2008.xml -> \includes\xml\
index.html -> \images\teamlogos\ (Directory teamlogos should be CHMOD 777)
2) Import product-tournament2008.xml into PRODUCTS. Allow Overwrite "YES" (AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])
3) Click 'install' in the thread you downloaded this from.
## Setting Usergroup Permissions ##
Go to: AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> {Select Usergroup} -> Edit Tournament Permissions -> Save