Originally Posted by Mark.B
No need. Both arcade scripts work absolutely fine on many sites, mine included 9in fact I run both). This isn't a paid product, and as such relies as much on peer to peer support as anything. Which is what you see in action here, thanks to Hippy, Stangger5, and several others.
The script is fully functional.
I never stated the scripts don't work.What I did state is 447 pages and the script still requires manual edits and technically it is down to which version of ibproarcade your using to whether it's a paid product or not.
I couldn't agree with you more, If it wasn't for the likes of Hippy and Stannger we wouldn't be having this conversation as this mod would have been dead in the water years ago.
The mod is no longer supported by the original developer,yet he pops in, to fix the security issue!Hmm.. right ok.Goodwill gesture? I don't think so.
What it needs is the original developer to give the right to people like Hippy to apply all the fixes to the original code.That way now 448 pages can be deleted and start afresh.I'm sure everyone would agree with that.
As you said the product is not paid,so why dosen't the developer give up the rights to it? And give the people who put their heart and soul into it, a fair crack of the whip..
Thats the way forward,not page after page of manual edits.