Originally Posted by CuteC@t
1. Thanks for this nice mod.
2. I don't have this option, did i miss something.
Ability to tag all your friends by checking a checkbox instead of typing out usernames
The OP is wrong, that's actually a Pro-only feature. Sorry about that
Originally Posted by antonrangel
I've installed the mod in my forum, but it's not appearing anywhere.
Maybe one thing you should know is that I've changed my forum path for security reasons.
Have you set your usergroup permissions?
You need the Super Admin permission via config.php to see it if you have not granted yourself Can Administer Advanced User Tagging via the administrator interface.
I'm not sure what you mean by changing your forum path for security reasons, but to my knowledge there's no security benefit by not having the forum in the normal /home/<username>/public_html folder or a subfolder within.