OK, released version 1.1, fixed a couple of things I saw wrong- would have been annoying but shouldn't have caused the issues you've seen.
I've changed some code in regards to building the number list I hope it helps.
BUT Here's the thing.
I've now installed this on
5 VB 4.x forums- VB 4.0.8 and two VB 4.1.12 production servers.
ALSO one VB 4.1.12 FRESH INSTALL and one VB 4.1.10 FRESH INSTALL.
I've used both Litespeed/Apache and Linux/Apache servers.
And in all 5 cases the mod is working just fine. Tested it as an Admin, tested it as a user, and as a mod. I've tested it with reputation enabled and off, and reputation negative reputation enabled and off- and I cannot reproduce the missing numbers issue.
If this version 1.1 doesn't fix the issue for you please if you're willing PM me with an Admin account I can access on your site to trouble-shoot this further.
If anyone out there DOES get this working PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE report that in this thread too- so I know I'm not (that) crazy.
Originally Posted by New Joe
Would this still work even if we have negative rep turned off?
Yes, especially now in the 1.1 version.