Originally Posted by Kolbi
It's a feature - lol :-D
That's a ajax product and it calls every X seconds (like you have set in admin settings) the url: misc.php?do=ln_getcount&numonly=1 to check for new notifications.
Please read more about techniques before installing everything. I hope you have a managed server...
//To get a lower serverload, disable product or set frequency higher "Ajax Update Interval". Renaming the misc.php is not a good idea because it can disable other functions (vB functions).
Thanks for that. I didn't realise the default setting was 5 seconds. The combination of that and high activity, didn't go so well. Increase seconds and it's now running okay.
Also, if you can please review my first post, that would be great.
Great Mod!
I currently use the DBTech - User Tagging mod which inserts notifications in the standard vbulletin system. If I upgrade to your ultimate version and disable the default system, will these notification continue to come through?