Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS
[*]That famous "GARS" compatibility. I wrote it in a previous post here. It can be done, but only by copying the database structure and work the mod on this structure. Why? Because the analysis of this mod is totally wrong. Have you ever find any reviews site where category "A" has rating scale 1-10, but category "B" can have rating scale 1-5 and so on? Is this normal? This is the best way to confuse your members. Everybody can accept 5 stars as best, ot 10 stars as best, but to all products. I'm nearly 100% sure that forumsmods, stoped at that point. To copy something wrong just to be able to release an importer.
This thread was started because we are a BIG bunch of people still stuck in 3.8 due to being tied with Gars. So regardless of what you think is right or wrong in that code, at least an importer/converter (tell it what you like) must appear if you like your product to be in any way sort of helpful for us in this thread. If you can't provide that, then don't waste our time, it's been too long again waiting for nothing to happen and it's getting quite a frustrating situation.