Originally Posted by Ramsesx
On many points you're right Chris, that was the reason I asked first for a basic functional working product instead of implementing all this extra stuff only a few people may need..
This is the right (and most fair) way for both sides. For the coder and for the Clients. By giving the basic functionality, the coder is not investing a lot of time. So it can sell it for a low price eg $30-35. That price covers for sure his work as should be many users who will buy it, just to have a simple reviews system in their site.
From that point, everything can be done right based on a fair agreement between the coder and all those clients who want something more. eg "I can add these 10 extra features" but I want $500. If the clients who want those additions are 20, then its just $25 for each one. I reasonable amount for something specific.
But even if the coder does not want to add more features, you're always free to hire another coder to add the extra functionalities. The most important is to have the main script.
By giving a list with 100 features since the first release:
1.- It will cost a lot of money
2.- It will never be finished,
3.- (...worst of all...) as it will be coded in rush, it will be full of bugs.
That's my opinion. As for forumsmods. To be honest I was following his site aftre his first release. Nothing bad at all. I was just seeing the incremental of user registrations. When, after a month, I seen that he has only 20 new members, which means 10 (at least) spam registrations and 10 real members, I understand his feeling. I bet that he hasn't more than 6-7 sales. So he spent a really long time on coding, expecting the thousands of porential clients, and finally he got nothing.
But I'm also feeling you as client. I've also payed eg for AWC Donation Pro, Subscription PRO and other mods, and I seen recently that forumcoding.com is actually not operated.