is has issue with Latest 30 pms on acp.
its showing erorr on admincp/index.php line 948, which is
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('admin_index_main1')) ? eval($hook) : false;
And latest 30 pm code is-
<title>Latest 30 PM Admin Index</title>
print_table_header("Latest 50 PM",3);
echo "<tr valign=\"top\"><td class=\"tcat\">From -> To</td><td class=\"tcat\" >Title</td></tr>";
$resultpm = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 50");
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
$bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$vb4 = 1;
while ($pmxread = $db->fetch_array($resultpm))
$mesaj = $bbcode_parser->parse($pmxread['message'], 0, 0,1);
// a:1:{s:2:"cc";a:1:{i:12503;s:10:"contrast61";}}
$users = unserialize($pmxread['touserarray']);
// $kim = $pmxread['touserarray'];
foreach($users AS $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
foreach($item AS $subkey => $subitem)
$username = $subitem;
$userid = $subkey;
$username = $item;
$userid = $key;
echo "<tr><td class=\"alt$vb4\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"150\">".$pmxread['fromusername']." ---> ".$username."</td><td class=\"alt$vb4\"><b>".$pmxread['title']."</b><br />$mesaj</td></tr>";
I am giving this because i like both mods. And want to use both of them. I think there is a bug with your pm system or something else. Because when someone approve best answer, the expert has a pm. And dont know why when one other member register on forum he too get the same pm. I mean winning pm.
How to solve this?