Even if I know that is something difficult to come alive, I decided to post my request in case that maybe there is an alrernative way that I don't know. I'm talking about the support forums for addons.
Having a single thread for supporting:
- Howto questions
- Suggestions
- Bug reports
is not the best way for the author to give support to other members. Even if he/she really wants to do it, very soon he/she will feel frustated especially from the double (if not more) posts. It's also difficult for the members to read all the posts, and you know very well that 95% of those who want ask something (including me.. I admit it), they don't use search, but make a new post.
In a short. In my opinion the best way is to have that thread for "How to" questions only and for bug reports to have a seperate peoject using vB Tools. The same project can be use for suggestion too.
I know that I'm asking something difficult, but as I wrote before, ...just in case.
Edited: I know that an addon with many-many pages can has a seperate forum instead for a thread, but again, this does not helps so much as Bug tracker.