Originally Posted by Alan_SP
From the picture of pro version, I see that there's an error in phrasing definition in settings.
You're asking if user follows moderation rulles, and if set to yes, his posts are put in moderation. It should be phrased differently, either that answer is no (user doesn't follow moderation rules, i.e. his posts need to be moderated), or that you rephrase question in: User doesn't follow moderation rules, in which case answer yes is correct for placing posts in moderation.
Of course, you need to rephrase description too.
This is from usergroup settings:
You want to have usual usergroups to have this as yes, because this trumps no
This is apart from the group permissions. Meaning it will not interfere with any other permission settings. For example if a certain group is allowed to use signatures but you want to restrict an user or several users from that group to not place signatures then you can do so at the extra settings of my mod for that user. The same goes for the other restrictions. But I agree about the moderation phrase. I just changed it. Thank you for your suggestion
Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
Ahh I liked it too soon then! Come on now Borbole you can do better than one feature right? Maybe at least 2 or 3 because I was about to install this bad boy before noticing that  . Although it is good to see you back to releasing new mods  .
Also everyone please PM (Private Message) Borbole to discuss the pro version as discussion about paid/pro mods on the forum is limited therefor we can't allow constant discussion about it respectively.
Hi TheLastSuperman. Long time no speak. That is the whole point of the lite versions
But there are exceptions for old friends