Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
The manual template edits for those interested is...
Open modifyprofile template... search for "homepage"
The code will look something like, but not exactly, this:
HTML Code:
<div class="blockrow">
<label for="tb_homepage">{vb:rawphrase home_page_url}:</label>
<input type="text" class="primary textbox" name="homepage" id="tb_homepage" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.homepage}" maxlength="200" dir="ltr" tabindex="1" />
<p class="description">
{vb:rawphrase let_other_visitors_know_url}
To disable it for everyone change type="text" to type="hidden", change value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.homepage}" to value="" and change {vb:rawphrase let_other_visitors_know_url} to your own disabled message, like: This option has been disabled.
To block it until a set number of posts is reached is a little more difficult. Replace the text above with:
First you need a condition:
<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['posts'] < 10">
<div class="blockrow">
<label for="tb_homepage">{vb:rawphrase home_page_url}:</label>
<input type="hidden" class="primary textbox" name="homepage" id="tb_homepage" value="" maxlength="200" dir="ltr" tabindex="1" />
<p class="description">
You don't have enough posts to use this option.
<vb:else />
<div class="blockrow">
<label for="tb_homepage">{vb:rawphrase home_page_url}:</label>
<input type="text" class="primary textbox" name="homepage" id="tb_homepage" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.homepage}" maxlength="200" dir="ltr" tabindex="1" />
<p class="description">
{vb:rawphrase let_other_visitors_know_url}
But remember this won't be your exact code so make sure you keep your customizations, you really just need to alter the code in red.
Change the number 10 in the if condition to whatever minimum value of posts you want.
I have installed this on 4.1.12 Patch Level 1 with the default VBulletin template and it disables all Home Page links no matter what settings I choose.
Enable Block Member Homepages: Yes
Minimum Post Count: 10
Don't Allow Member Homepages: Yes
Usergroup Override: Check two of private user groups
Delete Homepage on Ban: Yes
My goal is to only have Home Page links display for two usergroups only, which I checked in the Usergroup Override.
Do you have a manual template edit code to only display to usergroups 9 & 10?
Your help would be appreciated.